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LEX Symbol #Master_-2.png
LEX Title #Our Hummingbird.png
Birthing your heart's desire
CBG Title #Lex.png

I am



I have birthed 7 babies.

Creator of Our Hummingbird & The Hummingbird Way.

I coined the term Conscious Birthing Guide.


Allow me to guide you through the Hummingbird portal...



LEX Title #About Me.png
Lex Tattoo Float.png

In essence, I am the first Conscious Birthing Guide. I coined this term when pondering the question, where does the Midwife end and the Doula begin or the Doula end and the Midwife begin? I quickly saw the lines were blurred as I am the amalgamation of both.

I came into this work having given birth to my own children, I am a mother of 8 children yet I have experienced 9 pregnancies and given birth 7 times.

Traditional midwifery is in my blood, I feel it's coded in my DNA because it comes so naturally to me. It is of no surprise that I learned my great grandmother was a midwife, giving birth to her own 12 children and supporting the birth of countless others in her village in Jamaica. She was present at the birth of my very own mother in the early 1950s, shortly after this she exited this realm. There it was, the 'transmission of energy through the hands,' passed on from her directly through my mother to me!

It made sense then that I would want to practice to become a midwife. I took a stint of work in the hospital in England as a Clinical Support Worker as well as enrolled in University. I quickly learned through this experience that this was NOT what I wanted to do. I wanted women to be empowered and birth their babies the way they choose, having their rights upheld and choices met. I began my work worldwide 'The Birth of Your Hearts Desire,' my niche.


My journey brought me to Ecuador where I would run the test, does nature suffice? Or, was natural birth just a theory in my mind? If ever you've tested nature and the universe, you will also find you are being tested. My 6th baby was born 18 days 'overdue' with a short cord wrapped tightly around her neck! After stops and starts and a 2 day labour, she came perfectly healthy and peacefully, naturally, in her own time, with zero intervention, at home in the birthing pool, unassisted, with just her father present.

What a phenomena to behold!


We had our answer. Nature does suffice!


So it is, the Conscious Birthing Guide was born!


Through my experience I created a way to guide other women to birth their hearts desire, achieving a conscious, sovereign, empowered, natural birth, also, guiding their conscious conceptions, parenting and navigation through the perceived loss and grief of miscarriage, abortion and still birth, by applying all the wisdom I had gleaned.


I have been sharing this wisdom in over 3 continents, as a guide ever since and by delivering courses as a Birth Educator, with women and men, showing them 'my way' ...The Hummingbird Way!


Now you can achieve this and far more for yourself as well as support other couples to achieve the same!








It is with great significance, the hummingbird found me...

Every time I met with a couple who chose to birth their baby consciously, a hummingbird would appear.


And the story of the Hummingbird?

Click here to find out more... 

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LEX Symbol #Swirls.png

Experiences with Lex


CBG Slide #Shorna.png

Lex is an absolutely, amazing, inspirational being. Her energy just brightens up any

type of mood and setting and the positive energy she gives off is beautiful!


Any opportunity that she gets to help somebody she just aces it to a level that you didn't

even expect. I just had my 1st baby and lex helped me to feel empowered and in full

control of any decisions and actions I had to take to get my baby delivered here safe

and sound and in the ways that I preferred. I know that Lex will fly high in the jungle

and she completely deserves to have the experience of working with the local

midwives out there to broaden her already immaculate knowledge of birthing.


Keep going Lex I'm so happy and proud of you

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